Wildlife Emergency?
Baby Mammal you think might be orphaned:Many wildlife mother leave their babies while they go and forage for food. The species who's babies most often get mistakenly taken by people are deer, rabbits, raccoons and squirrels.
Steps to follow:
- Contact wildlife custodian near you prior to doing anything. Each situation/species requires a different approach. For a list of Wildlife Custodians in ON Click here!
- If you can't reach a rehabber right away leave a message and they will get back to you asap. You can also choose to contact you local SPCA or veterinarian.
- Please ensure that the babies in question are truly orphaned or injured and in need of help. Please observe den/nest sites from a safe distance so that you are not the cause of a parent not returning.
- Never handle any type of wildlife with your bare hands. Always wear gloves.
- If the babies in question are in immediate danger (in the middle of a busy highway or something) put gloves on, and put them in a secure container (with vent holes), lined with a blanket/towel. Keep this container in a dark, quiet and warm place.
- Do not under any circumstances try to feed the babies. Wait for instructions from a rehabber. The wrong type of food at the wrong time can be detrimental to the animal’s health. Hypothermic/Dehydrated babies will die if given food of any type.
Never Feed Injured Wildlife. Here’s Why
Adult Wildlife in distress:
An adult animal showing any of the following signs, or who otherwise appears to be sick or injured, will need help from a wildlife rehabilitator:
- Obvious signs of illness or injury like visible wounds, injured limbs, twitching/shaking, loss of balance, missing fur/feathers
- Known contact with a cat – even if no injuries are visible, medical attention is still necessary
- Abnormal behaviour like appearing sleepy when approached closely, allowing people to approach within 1-2 feet, or appearing blind
- Material stuck/tangled on animal like a can on its foot, string wrapped around a limb or sticking out of its mouth, or grease on its fur/feathers
- Animals (including water birds) that look wet when it isn’t raining, or turtles that seem unable to submerge themselves underwater, are also likely in need of help
For a list of Wildlife Custodians in Ontario Click here!
It is against the law to be in the possesion of native wildlife unless you are authorized by the MNRF or CWS