Hobbitstee Purebred Toggenburg and Alpine Goats

Volunteering at Hobbitstee

Hobbitstee is an all-volunteer charitable organization that cares for sick, injured, orphaned or displaced native Ontario wildlife, with the ultimate goal of returning them to the wild. Hobbitstee is licensed with Canadian Wildlife Service and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources but does not receive funding from either regulatory agency. The centre depends on the financial support of the community and volunteer service to assist with the day-to-day operations. There are many opportunities for volunteer work at Hobbitstee, including hands on wildlife care, building and maintenance, environmental educational programs, fundraising and administrative duties.

Please note that people who volunteer with the wildlife must be vaccinated against rabies. We need a copy of your proof of vaccination on file for all our volunteers.

The majority of the Hobbitstee Volunteers are Young Offenders, At-risk Youth or Adult Offenders who are send to us through a variety of agencies. We strongly believe in providing people who fall in these categories with meaningful activities and learning oppertunities.

Aside from the volunteers from the above mentioned vunerable sectors we have need of volunteers for the following positions:

- Volunteer Drivers (to transport wildlife)
to sign up as a volunteer driver please chose from the followinglinks to add yourself to the appropriate list:

  • Brant, Cambridge, Kitchener Guelph: Click Here
  • Bruce Peninsula: Click Here
  • Haldimand/Norfolk: Click Here
  • Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville: Click Here
  • Niagara: Click Here
  • - Handy People (to help maintain and build enclosures etc)
    to sign up as a construction/maintenance volunteer please follow this link: Add yourself to construction/maintenance list

    - Public Outreach, Event Organizers and fundraising people: sign up as a public outreach volunteer please follow this link: Add yourself to the Public Outreach list

    Wetland restoration and habitat enhancement project Volunteers

    We need volunteers for this project in the following capacities:
  • Frog survey
  • takes place on three seperare night (on in april, may and june) at our location (skill level medium)
  • Salamander survey
  • takes place at night/day time at our location (skill level medium)
  • Snake survey
  • takes place during day time at our location (skill level medium)
  • Turtle Survey
  • takes place during day time at our location (skill level medium)
  • (Breeding) bird survey
  • takes place during day time at our location (skill level medium/advanced)
  • Owl Survey
  • takes place at night/day time at our location (skill level medium/advanced)
  • Aucoustic Bat Monitoring
  • takes place using sound recorders. Interpertation volunteers required (skill level advanced)
  • Insect Survey
  • takes place suring the day (skill level medium/advanced)
  • Shrub/Plant survey
  • takes place during day time at our location (skill level beginners - medium - advanced)
  • Grass/Sedge survey
  • takes place during day time at our location (skill level beginners - medium - advanced)
  • Fungi survey
  • takes place during day time at our location (skill level beginners - medium - advanced)
  • Moss/lichen Survey
  • takes place during day time at our location (skill level beginners - medium - advanced)
  • We also would love people with geology, water quality, invasive species ID and removal skills
  • For more information on this project visit the Wetland restoration and habitat enhancement project

    We welcome particpation from experts and amateurs. If you are interested please send an email to: chantal@hobbitstee.com and indicate what you care to participate in and your skill level or relevant experience is.
    Testimonial from one of our volunteers:

    "As a retired executive with a very active lifestyle, I wasn't really looking for volunteering opportunites. But social media and my wife had other ideas. We had taken a couple of ailing animals to Hobbitstee in the past so when the call went out for help with their newer facility, my wife thought it would be a good fit for me...and ultimately, for her. I'm relatively handy with tools and simple structures so the projects they were starting were right up my alley. At first I worked closely with their amazing long-term volunteers to get the lay of the land. With their help, I learned quickly. Half a year later we all worked together to build many pens and enclosures for scores of injured and orphaned wildlife. I have made some great new friends and have met dozens of caring and helpful people. Many of us will often sit and have coffee and talk about upcoming schedules and projects. I regularly work with many talented volunteer tradespeople and professionals so I have learned many new abilities and skills. Volunteering at Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge has both widened my horizons and made me a more patient and understanding person.

    Lastly, volunteering here has given me a new appreciation for the kindness of people and their selfless and and passionate care for wildlife in distress."

    Due to the vunerable nature of some of our volunteers we ask that all our volunteers are open minded, understanding, willing to work with and able the help guide some of our youth.

    At Hobbitstee we adhere to a strict code of conduct and all rules and regulations must be followed by all volunteers. Rules might be amended when and where required at any time. Photographing or taking video of any of the wildlife or the facility without prior permission is not allowed and will lead to immediate dismissal.

    Hobbitstee is not open to the public as it adds stress to the animals and is a detriment to their recovery therefore you will not be allowed to bring people to the facility without prior approval. It is also a violation of the Fish & Wildlife Act for any wildlife in the centre to be on public display.