Who we are
Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge was founded in 2007 by Chantal Theijn. it was started due to a need. After going through the permit process Chantal wrote on the initial application that she hoped to rehabilitate approximately 30 wild animals a year.
Since that time Hobbitstee has grown into a facility where annually upwards of 3500 wild animals find help.
Hobbitstee is uniquely situated on 47 acres of forrest and Provincially Significant Wetland within the Long Point Region Watershed, and the Nanticoke-Sandusk-Stoney Creek Subwatershed. 700 metres north of the Northeast Lake Erie Shoreline.
Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge is situated on the ancestral lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit.
The 47 acres is a recent purchase and preparations are underway for the building of a brand new wildlife hospital with hopes of completing the building in 2023.
Volunteers are still very busy with constructing outdoor wildlife enclosures as well as a massive effort in underway to restore and enhance the wetlands on the property. Unfortunately the wetlands have been negatively impacted by agricultural practices.
Hobbitstee is an incorporated registered charity with a board of directors. The day to day running of Hobbitstee still falls on the shoulder of Chantal who manages the groups of volunteers and takes care of the wildlife while doing most of the paperwork involved with running an organization.
Hobbitstee’s main focus is wildlife rehabilitation, but this is combined with wildlife education, mitigation and research. Hobbitstee also has a focus on working with at-risk-youth, young offenders and low-risk adult offenders. As such they partner with Child and Youth Services and The John Howard Society.